I almost completely forgot, but Madeira Day will be celebrated in Kennington Park, SE11 on Monday 3rd May from 10am to 7pm (it was moved from Sunday, due to the bad weather). Lambeth's Mayor thoroughly enjoyed the day last year, and the SE11 lurker intends to try to drop in for some of the festivities this year. Apparently, there will be food, drink and live music. Woo Hoo! It's party-time :-)
I'm pleased that the national anti-immigration political discussions have not intruded too badly into the diverse Borough of Lambeth. One of the benefits of living in a multi-cultural society is that local residents are given so many opportunites to celebrate the carnivals, festivals and feast days of all nations. South London people are party people!
To the surprise of many, Lambeth is home to one of the largest Portuguese communities in the world. Apparently, there are 27,000 Portuguese residents in Lambeth, and I'm delighted that they're here, holding a party in Kennington Park. Many of the established and successful businesses in Lambeth (all of those Tapas bars and delicatessens in South Lambeth Road) have been set up over the years by Portuguese people that settled in Lambeth in the 60s and 70s and I believe our life in London is and has been greatly enhanced by the presesence of people from other countries. (I keep wanting to say "Portuguese immigrants", but it seems wrong to refer to our Portuguese community as immigrants, when many of them are happily settled in Britain and have been for many years).
I have an entirely unverifiable theory that all of the best parties take place in South London. Viva Madeira!
[Edit: I've put the photos from the event on another post.]
Friday 14th June, 2024
Album of the Day: The Zutons – Who Killed the Zutons? This did my nut in,
tbh. The screeching guitars were matched by a bloody screeching voice. It
picks u...
8 months ago
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