What are the opening times for Kennington Tesco?
Mon 8am - 10pm
Tue 8am - 10pm
Wed 8am - 10pm
Thu 8am - 10pm
Fri 8am - 10pm
Sat 7:30am - 10pm
Sun 10am - 4pm
What are the opening times for the Nine Elms Sainsburys?
Mon 7am - 11pm
Tue 7am - 11pm
Wed 7am - 11pm
Thu 7am - 11pm
Fri 7am - 11pm
Sat 7am - 10pm
Sun 12 noon - 6pm
Who is my councillor?
SE11 is divided into three main wards. Click on the maps to find out which part of SE11 you fall into:
Princes Ward - Princes Ward map from Lambeth Council
Cllr Lorna Campbell (Labour) - lcampbell@lambeth.gov.uk (07946 217 584)
Cllr Mark Harrison (Labour) - mharrison@lambeth.gov.uk (07951 516 889)
Cllr Stephen Morgan (Labour) - srmorgan@lambeth.gov.uk (0207 820 6664 / 07985 735 849)
Oval Ward - Oval ward map from Lambeth Council
Cllr Rob Banks (Lib Dem) - rbanks@lambeth.gov.uk (0207 793 9093)
Cllr Faye Gray (Lib Dem) - fgray@lambeth.gov.uk (020 7640 2566)
Cllr Andrew Sawdon (Lib Dem) - asawdon@lambeth.gov.uk (0207 582 4158)
Bishops Ward - Bishops Ward map from Lambeth Council
Cllr Diana Braithwaite (Lib Dem) - dbraithwaite@lambeth.gov.uk (0207 582 5798 / 07985 735 896)
Cllr Gavin Dodsworth (Lib Dem) - gdodsworth@lambeth.gov.uk (0207 848 1606)
Cllr Peter Truesdale (Lib Dem) - ptruesdale@lambeth.gov.uk (0207 582 5798)
Friday 14th June, 2024
Album of the Day: The Zutons – Who Killed the Zutons? This did my nut in,
tbh. The screeching guitars were matched by a bloody screeching voice. It
picks u...
9 months ago