I'm still failing to get excited about the up and coming election. I will try harder, I promise. In the meantime, there are still large sections of people in the Lambeth community that have been let down and are continually neglected by politicians of all stripes. One such abandoned section of SE11 is Lambeth Walk. It's a location I'm quite interested in, partly because I think it has huge potential to be reinvigorated as a community hub. It just needs some care and attention, and a little investment.
There are still some small shops and businesses on Lambeth Walk, but the area is really a shell of what I imagine it might once have been in the 1930s. I'd love to see a vibrant street market returned to it. Anyhow, I'm not the only one who thinks it has suffered. Hot off the press, I've found a local musician, Ecarlo who is working on a 2010 version of the Lambeth Walk, and you can watch the "behind the scenes" of his recent shoot. (It looks to me as though it might have been recorded in one of the Vauxhall arches... Let me know if you recognise the studio.):
In case you can't view the video, at at about 2 mins 44 seconds, Ecarlos gives his take on the Lambeth Walk:
"Let me give you a brief history. I'm from Lambeth Walk which is the Kennington area... It has a rich history. Back in like the 1930s, there was the song called The Lambeth Walk that came out which was sung by the Cockneys, and basically it was really like a big movement, but over the years, like obviously, Lambeth Walk has kinda been demolished a bit where there was like a market place and where there was loadsa stuff going on from dancing down to shopping and what not. So basically what I decided to do was bring it back 2010 style, give it that new energy and kinda reintroduce it to the world and maybe they'll remember it. So me being from Lambeth, I thought it was my duty to do that. At the same time, I thought it was a good way to introduce myself and let them know what I'm about".
Friday 14th June, 2024
Album of the Day: The Zutons – Who Killed the Zutons? This did my nut in,
tbh. The screeching guitars were matched by a bloody screeching voice. It
picks u...
8 months ago
Whilst dictators rage and statesmen talk, SE11 dances to The Lambeth Walk.
Precisely :)
I want to portray a variety of views about the area before returning for a further blast of politics tomorrow.
I admire the fact that Ecarlo is so community spirited about Lambeth Walk and revels in its 1930s heyday. I can only add that I wish the Conservatives (who have plastered their boards all over Kennington Road) displayed the same kind of creativity about Lambeth Walk and re-energising some of the more tired sections of SE11.
The old street market was still there in the late 60's. They kept bits of it when the Ethelred was built around it in the 70's, but it was long dead by the time one side of the Walk was redeveloped a few years back.
The whole street looks like it is dying on its arse, sadly...
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