22nd April, 14:00 - 16:00 - Parlimentary Hustings for Vauxhall constituency. Organised by Lambeth Forum for Older People & Lambeth Pan-disability Forum and held at Lambeth Accord, 336 Brixton Road, Brixton, SW9 7AA. Conservative, Green, Labour and Lib Dem candidates have all confirmed attendance.
27th April, 19:30 - Parliamentary Hustings for Vauxhall constituency.
Organised by St Mark's Church and held at St Mark's Church (opposite Oval tube). All of the main parties will be represented (but not sure about the smaller ones).
27th April, 19:00 - Bishops (and Cathedrals ward) local hustings. Organised by Southbank Forum and held at St Johns Church (near Waterloo station). Arrive at 7pm to enter a question from the floor
29th April, 18:30 - Princes and Oval ward local hustings. Organised by Kennington Oval Vauxhall forum and held at Vauxhall Gardens Community Centre (on Vauxhall Walk, not far from Vauxhall station).
Any more for anymore? It's frustrating to hear about hustings on the day or once they've taken place, so would be useful to flag up any others that SE11 folk might be interested in attending. Feel free to leave a comment about any others, and I'll amend the post.
Friday 14th June, 2024
Album of the Day: The Zutons – Who Killed the Zutons? This did my nut in,
tbh. The screeching guitars were matched by a bloody screeching voice. It
picks u...
8 months ago
Lambeth Forum for Older People and Lambeth Pan-disability Forum are organising a husting for the Vauxhall constituency on:
Thursday 22nd April
2pm to 4pm
Lambeth Accord
336 Brixton Road
the following candidates have confirmed that they are coming
• Glyn Chambers (Conservative)
• Joseph Healy (Green)
• Kate Hoey (Labour)
• Caroline Pidgeon (Liberal Democrat)
Peoples Republic of Southwark are holding a Camberwell hustings on Thursday 29th April, 7 - 9 pm at:
Jessie Duffett Hall
92-94 Wyndham Road
All welcome.
Please arrive for 6:30pm
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