I'd really like to know how many MPs live in Kennington, Oval and Vauxhall, in and around SE11. Estimates on Twitter vary between 30 and 90, but we're just throwing figures around. If you include Vauxhall/Stockwell and head down into SW8 or SW9, MP figures could be even higher... I never seem to see any of these MPs, but then I probably wouldn't know what most of them looked like. I'm fairly sure that most of them don't shop in the Biggest Gay Tesco in the UK, but then their allowances probably mean they can afford Ocado deliveries or hike over to the Biggest Gay Sainsburys in the UK (unless they're permanently eating out in Ghandis).
I presume that there's a list of MP second addresses somewhere. I'm not really interested in breaching their privacy and knowing what their exact addresses are. That would be rather unfair. However, I would like the figures for MPs with houses and flats in the area. Is that info in the public domain? Does anybody know?
So far, currently definitely resident:
Oliver Letwin
Jack Straw
Charles Kennedy
Phil Willis
Previously resident:
Hazel Blears used to live around here, but didn't like the sirens, so sold the flat.
Alistair Darling has a flat in Kennington, but rents it out
Geoff Hoon (sold his Kennington flat)
We know that there are many more and I commented on the Conservative boards in Kennington Road here. It seems I'm not the only blogger to notice. There's a Labour blogger on a Blog From The Back Room who also wonders why the Tories want to advertise their four storey houses in Kennington Road.
I'd appreciate comments from readers who definitely know of MPs living in and around Kennington, Oval or Vauxhall so that I can them to my MP-ometer.
Friday 14th June, 2024
Album of the Day: The Zutons – Who Killed the Zutons? This did my nut in,
tbh. The screeching guitars were matched by a bloody screeching voice. It
picks u...
8 months ago
I am a local Labour activist. I can confirm there are at least 50 Labour MPs living in Princes ward alone - and some Lords too. I can think of at least 20 Tory MPs, and a fair few Lib Dems too.
Won't name names, not least becasue some of them you will probably neveer have heard of...
Interesting. Are there enough MPs resident to actually swing the Princes Ward voting results?
There are plenty of MPs within the area, of all political colours - it provides easy travelling distance to Westminster and housing costs are comparatively lower. I've heard there's a couple in Parliament View Apartments on Lambeth Bridge, and wouldn't be surprised if there's a couple in St George Wharf too.
Oh, and they probably do shop in Tescos too - I mean, the sheer convenience would outweigh the fact that their food is a bit dreary at times... though I'm sure an M&S Simply Food on Kennington Cross would do a roaring trade ;)
There's probably an FoI request you could make, requesting MPs the first four digits in the postcode of their second homes. (i.e. SW8 3XX) - it gives enough info about location without giving away privacy. Of course, that wouldn't tell you which MPs have their primary residence in the area, or the addresses of lords etc.
Thanks for the comment, Mark L.
I've now submitted a FOI request asking exactly that. We'll wait and see what arrives.
Here's the ones I've spotted:
Ian Liddell-Grainger, Bridgwater (Gabriel House, Old Paradise Street)
David Clelland, Tyne Bridge (Juxon Street, LONDON)
Laurence Robertson, Tewkesbury (Saperton Walk, LONDON)
Dawn Primarolo, Bristol South (Parliament View Apartments)
John Prescott, Kingston upon Hull East (Parliament View Apartments)
Linda Riordan, Halifax (Kennington Road)
Michael Connarty, Linlithgow & East Falkirk (Kennington Road)
Mark Williams, Ceredigion (Kennington Road)
David Jones, Clwyd West (Braham House, Vauxhall Street)
Kim Howells, Pontypridd (Cromwell House, Vauxhall Walk)
Gary Streeter, South West Devon (Vauxhall Walk, LONDON)
Helen Jones, Warrington North (Albert Embankment)
Nick Herbert, Arundel & South Downs (Albert Embankment)
Mohammad Sarwar, Glasgow Central (Albert Embankment)
Christine Russell, Chester, City of (Albert Embankment)
Kenneth Clarke, Rushcliffe (Courtenay Street, LONDON)
Neil Gerrard, Walthamstow (Kennington Palace Court, Sancroft Street)
Janet Dean, Burton (Trevose House, Orsett Street)
David Kidney, Stafford (Trevose House, Orsett Street)
Lembit Opik, Montgomeryshire (Brook Drive)
Ian Stewart, Eccles (Brook Drive, LONDON)
Anthony Steen, Totnes (Kennington Road, LONDON)
Madeleine Moon, Bridgend (Sheridan House, Wincott Street)
Stephen Hesford, Wirral West (Dryden Court, Renfrew Road)
David Taylor, North West Leicestershire (Dryden Court, Renfrew Road)
Michael Clapham, Barnsley West & Penistone (Heralds Place, LONDON)
David Anderson, Blaydon (Kennington Lane)
Gordon Prentice, Pendle (Vanbrugh Court, Wincott Street)
John Battle, Leeds West (Vanbrugh Court, Wincott Street)
Nick Ainger, Carmarthen West & South Pembrokeshire (Vanbrugh Court, Wincott Street)
Andrew Turner, Isle of Wight (Vanbrugh Court, Wincott Street)
James Paice, South East Cambridgeshire (Vanbrugh Court, Wincott Street)
Andrew Stunell, Hazel Grove (Vanbrugh Court, Wincott Street)
Peter Soulsby, Leicester South (Vanbrugh Court, Wincott Street)
James Plaskitt, Warwick & Leamington (Vanbrugh Court, Wincott Street)
Julie Morgan, Cardiff North (Chester Way)
Lindsay Hoyle, Chorley (Chester Way)
Jane Kennedy, Liverpool, Wavertree (Chester Way)
Oliver Letwin, West Dorset (Kennington Road, LONDON)
John Howell, Henley (Kennington Road, LONDON)
Charles Kennedy, Ross, Skye & Lochaber (Kennington Road, LONDON)
Peter Luff, Mid Worcestershire (Tamar House, Kennington Lane)
Peter Robinson, Belfast East (Morrells Yard, LONDON)
Patrick McLoughlin, West Derbyshire (Carrick Court, Kennington Park Road)
Neil Turner, Wigan (Carrick Court, Kennington Park Road)
Joan Walley, Stoke-on-Trent North (Carrick Court, Kennington Park Road)
Ronnie Campbell, Blyth Valley (City Lights Court, Bowden Street)
Denis Murphy, Wansbeck (City Lights Court, Bowden Street)
David Hanson, Delyn (Aulton Place, LONDON)
James Gray, North Wiltshire (Kennington Park Road, LONDON)
Tony Lloyd, Manchester Central (Kennington Road)
Chris Mullin, Sunderland South (Stannary Street)
Anonymous, when you say that you "spotted" all of these, what exactly do you mean? You've nailed it down to some very tiny roads, it's not like spotting somebody in a restaurant!
Are you an insider in the expenses department? :) (Presumably not, because you wouldn't have time at the moment to comment here, but seriously, that's an amazing list!!)
It's not very helpful but I know of one ex-MP who lives around Denny Crescent too (Michael English, former Labour MP for Nottingham).
I sat next to Anne Widdecombe in Kennington Tandoori...apparantly Kenneth Clarke has been spotted in there too!
Nick Harvey (LD, North Devon) lives in Kennington.
You just have to go to Kennington Tandoori or Ghandi Tandoori in SE11 when Parliament is sitting to see them all. The number of times Ive seen Jack Straw (house in Cleaver Square), Jeff Hoon (houses in local area - Courtenay St?) and other random MPs who I vaguely recognise (owing to my job) but who dont have a national prominence. My biggest catch was in the Painted Heron (as was) when I saw Ming Campbell, Paddy Ashdown and Charles Kennedy having a heated discussion just before Kennedy resigned.
If you really want to find out check out the electoral register for the houses on Courtenay Street Kennington Road and Cleaver Square, the flats in the former NAAFI building and similar and also places like Fentiman Road.
Lots live around Oval tube station also (Hannover gardens type area) - this is where former PM Jim Callaghan used to live.
Another former PM John Major has a flat in Parliament View as does Chelsea Clinton.
I have also seen various MPs in the White Hart with people who obviously were not their wives but they seemed to be very friendly with!
The restaurant is called Gandhi..its the man whose picture is found on every Indian Currency note.
Mahatma Gandhi
Jack Straw lives in Hanover Square
Paddy Ashdown
Michael English
Lord Ashcroft lives in Cleaver Square
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