Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Vauxhall Fete 2010 Photographs

I know I'm a week or so late with these pictures of Vauxhall Fete, but SE11 is very busy in the summer months.  I know that some of the shots lack people (and it was well attended), but I'm always worried that people will get shouty if I accidentally snap their toddler!

A particularly enthusiastic band:

A police incident in Vauxhall:

The sign on the side says, "Vauxhall London SW8":

Fiery red spiky plants:

Go karting, large slide and the Fire Brigade:

A particularly tropical-looking photo of Vauxhall Park:

More red spiky plant:

Standing above the crowd:

Donkey riding in the Park:

Donkey resting:

Believe it or not, despite the heat, this flower pot was really alive
(notice the hole on the side):

Summer is never really here until somebody splats the rat:

I'm afraid I didn't make it to the North Lambeth Parish Fete at the weekend  (a shame, as it's always fabulous).  There are, I suppose, probably only so many cup cakes and egg sandwiches that it's healthy for anybody to eat (and I'm well over that limit anyway), but I'm happy to add photos to the blog (feel free to email), if you took any and would like to add them to the record.


Paul said...

SW8? Say it ain't so!

Unknown said...

the spiky red plant is a bottle brush (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Callistemon)

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