I'm not sure how this one slipped under the radar (you have until 24/6/2009 to comment), so I am going to refer you to the Viva Vauxhall blog (which represents the roads around Bonnington Square) where they have an excellent post which lists their reservations about the development and might give you some basis with which to support or oppose the planning permission request.
The building is technically not in SE11. It's some way over the border in SW8. However, when proposed buildings are so tall, they impact on everybody that lives locally. I imagine the building will overshadow Fentiman Road, Bonnington Square and Vauxhall Grove. The question is... exactly which part of Vauxhall is it considered acceptable to place tall buildings? It was clarified at the Kennington Oval and Vauxhall AGM last night that it was considered appropriate in the draft Vauxhall Supplementary Planning document to raise tall buildings around Vauxhall station. The concept of what counts as Vauxhall station is somewhat hazy. I've read the draft Vauxhall Supplementary Planning document, but haven't given it the amount of analysis that I gave to the draft core plan for the Local Development Framework. It looks like it's time to go back to the Vauxhall Supplementary Planning document and provide a summary. When I've done that, I'll post it here to be of assistance for those commenting on local planning proposals.
It's worth mentioning at this point that the Vauxhall Supplementary Planning document will remain in "draft" stage until one of the wider documents related to the London Plan is released for consultation (in order to check that the two line up and Lambeth aren't heading in a different direction from the rest of London). That document won't be consulted until September 2009 so the draft Vauxhall SPD will remain in draft format for some time.
Edit (11/6/2009): Tradescant Road blog has also commented and posted a helpful picture of various elevations of the proposed development.
1 comment:
And so the supreme awfulness of the Lambeth Planning Website is unveiled.
I have a net connection that can (and does) download at 1 megabyte per second. The most the Lambeth planning website seems to be able to handle is 20 / 30k per second. When a major planning application has maybe 200 megs+ of docs, how on earth is anyone feasibly expected to download and view them, unless they just leave their computer running overnight?
I'm not opposed in principle to tall buildings around the Vauxhall Gyratory, but it will be interesting to try and find out a bit more about the impact of shadow on the nearby area. Without having seen the application, one of my big concerns would be the quality of life for those actually living in the block; if you're next to the railway line you will need some very good sound insulation... 25 parking spaces also seems a tad silly, especially as I presume the council will make them allocate some to disabled residents and car clubs.
I wouldn't be surprised if the developer has deliberately pitched the application at a taller height than they really want, so that they can be seen as giving way to the council and lower the height when locals object.
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