Tesco continue their ongoing march towards world domination with a request for planning permission to expand their ground floor at their largest SE11 store on Kennington Lane. See
11/00263/FUL. You have until 10th March to comment. The site would need a new pedestrian crossing and pick up point, but the expansion would cause the loss of 41 car parking spaces. It's an interesting move because it looks as though they're either presuming that much custom will move online or come from people who live within walking distance of the store... or...?
Well, the other possibility is that they'll expand on the currently empty piece of land opposite their site, and located next to the Beefeater distillery. I can't remember whether they own the land next to the distillery, but I think they might. There's a 1999 planning application that was withdrawn prior to submission, 99/02207/FUL, which shows the street record for Gasholder Place (an original name for a street) with an application submitted by Tesco. I wonder whether there's a possibility they'll decrease the size of the car park, increase the size of the current store and then claim that there isn't enough parking, so look to expand on the empty land on the other side of Gasholder place? It's a heavily residential area so I doubt residents would support additional parking, but if my guesswork is close, it's potentially a clever way of expanding the Tescopoly.
Also, I mentioned a while ago that Tesco have plans to open a new metro store in Kennington Park Business Centre and Caldwell Street (opposite Vassall Road). One local resident asked that I publicise a petition requesting that the Council refuses permission for future expansion. If you don't support the continued expansion, you might want to sign here.
Friday 14th June, 2024
Album of the Day: The Zutons – Who Killed the Zutons? This did my nut in,
tbh. The screeching guitars were matched by a bloody screeching voice. It
picks u...
8 months ago
More Tesco. Further confirmation that we are living in the Ghetto.
I don't suppose the proposals for Sainsbury's have gone unnoticed by Tesco.
Anon: "Ghetto"? You can't be a local - you should have been here before 2000 when Kennington didn't have ANY supermarket.
I suppose you could knock down all the social housing, move everybody to a township east of Penge, and build lots of private apartments. I'm sure Waitrose would be in like a rat up a trouser-leg...
This is a really well run and oragnised Tesco and provides local jobs and good shopping.
I hope it expands!!
I'm glad they are taking away car parking spaces - the rate of car ownership in Lambeth is one of the lowest in the country; we do not need car parking spaces, we need shops within walking distance of our homes.
Tesco must be doing something right if people keep coming back for more - for all our wishes for independent shops/Waitrose/other fancy establishments the core market around here is the 60%+ of people who live in social housing who want cheap good food
Bit of a waste of the site, the Design and Access Statement indicates that it is possible to put more residential development on it - if Tesco are insistent on taking over the world (and I noticed another one opened recently at the corner of Southwark Bridge Road and Borough Road) the least they can do is use the land they have more efficiently.
@SID good answer!
I acquiece
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