Wednesday, 30 March 2011

New Gym to open at Kennington Business Park, Canterbury Court, SE11

A new budget 24 hour gym is to be opened in Kennington by Pure Gym in June this year.  After making enquiries, I've found that it will be located at Kennington Park Business Centre, Canterbury Court at the top of Brixton Road.  That location should generate business for both the gym and the business park and will be a very welcome addition to the area.  However, they're being slightly cagey about releasing the "final" location, so don't assume that it's 100% definite until it actually happens.

I've always felt that there's a bit of a gym "gap" in SE11, and I've found trying to get across Vauxhall interchange under the subways to be a major dis-incentive.  (Yeah, yeah, I wasn't exactly enthused about gym-going in the first place!)

The fees (if similar to Wandsworth) will be £20 per month, with no contract and a £20 joining fee.  That's slightly pricier than the Gym group site at Vauxhall, but I've heard recently that there's a waiting list at Vauxhall now, so demand is clearly high.  Also, they've not officially launched their price list or anything, I'm just surmising.


Jo said...

Can we get on a waiting list for this gym? Will you keep up posted on when and where it'll be arriving?! Thanks!

SE11 Lurker said...

@Jo Yes. It's possible to join from now (under the concessionary rate) before it opens in October.

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