I know I'm still in the middle of nurseries and estate agents, but today I decided to investigate gyms in SE11. I think that there are two.
One of the gyms (Paris Gym) is a male only 'gay' gym (although due to new sexual orientation regulations, they can't discriminate anymore, so the website says it's open to gay and straight men). I suspect, however, that it's probably still a majority gay gym as the whole of the Vauxhall railway arches are a pink mecca. Mostly male pink, but there you go.
This is a bit of a nuisance because your three wheeled pleb is female, and the nearest female only gym is Sydenham! When I asked the guy on the phone about where I could go to the gym in SE11, he was friendly and recommended Waterloo. The problem that the discerning reader will spot is that Waterloo is just not SE11!
This only leaves me with one alternative (which he didn't tell me about) if I choose to go to the gym in SE11, and that is The Brit Oval Health and Fitness Centre. However... A quick google around, and an attempt to phone them reveals that they appear to no longer exist!
The only other gym I know about, not open to the public though, exists in the basement of Imperial Court...
Friday 14th June, 2024
Album of the Day: The Zutons – Who Killed the Zutons? This did my nut in,
tbh. The screeching guitars were matched by a bloody screeching voice. It
picks u...
9 months ago