I do not have good internet access over the Christmas period, hence posting frequency has been (and will be) down somewhat. Needless to say, I'm keeping an eye on local goings on.
One "naughty" licensing application eg. submitted over the Christmas period, pertains to The Pilgrim pub at 247 Kennington Lane. Due to the fact that these are not normal "planning" applications, they're not picked up by the ordinary "alert" processes.
The Pilgrim have requested an extension in opening hours until 1am every day. See here. To approve or object to this extension, you'll need to contact one of the councillors in Oval ward.
Friday 14th June, 2024
Album of the Day: The Zutons – Who Killed the Zutons? This did my nut in,
tbh. The screeching guitars were matched by a bloody screeching voice. It
picks u...
8 months ago
The licensing and planning systems are different, which is why you won't get a planning alert for a licensing application.
Licensing works on the basis that only 'interested parties' can object to a licence - interested parties are:
-an individual living in the vicinity of the premises
-an individual involved in a business in the vicinity of the premises
-a body representing persons in either of the above categories
-a ward councillor
To object you will need to prove that the proposed licence will work against one or more of the licensing objectives, which are:
-Preventing crime and disorder
-Public safety
-Preventing public nuisance
-Protecting children from harm
Objecting to or supporting a licence is easy, you just email licensing@lambeth.gov.uk
You don't need to contact your councillor, though you can ask them to represent you at the licensing committee if you would like them to.
See http://se11actionteam.blogspot.com/2010/10/licensing.html
for more information.
It appears all has gone quiet on the blog - extended hols?
I note the St Aubyns holistic centre near Tommyfields appears to have shut. The place is empty, the post piled high and the website gone. The old Amici's is alive with construction - the long promised new restaurant? Also, the antique dealer across from the Thai restaurant sold and there appears some construction there, too.
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