This morning's offering comes to you via Jason Cobb's Onion Bag blog over here, where he is querying Lambeth Council's ongoing commitment to Leisure. I've weighed in on the argument with some hefty comments because I'm fed up with Lambeth Council's ongoing suggestion that it was their idea not to sell the site when they simply adopted the Lib Dem UDP, which, by then, reflected the fact that the site should be used for leisure. To top the matter off, Labour then nearly sold off the site to the ANC, who are not primarily a leisure organisation.
For the record, I'm not a Lib Dem (I'm not really an anything), but I get very cross when the historical record is misrepresented and mis-interpreted. And I'm even crosser that Cllr Steve Reed is using the much despised Doon Street Tower as an example of Labour pro-activity. Check out this post on London-se1 for the community disquiet caused by the fact that Labour thought it was fine to provide 0% community housing in that development, in exchange for a swimming pool! For what it's worth, whilst I'm angered by Cllr Steve Reed's responses, I do think he should receive credit for his online participation because so many councillors still fail to interact well with their constituents.
I would appreciate it if readers could weigh in over there. I know that the comments are rather long, tedious and rather dull, but the turning cogs of local democracy are often found in the detail. It's very important that the Council are held accountable up to and after the local elections.
Friday 14th June, 2024
Album of the Day: The Zutons – Who Killed the Zutons? This did my nut in,
tbh. The screeching guitars were matched by a bloody screeching voice. It
picks u...
8 months ago
are you saying that you didn't vote lib dem last year or that you didn't vote?
you give a fair impression of being a lib dem
Good grief! I would certainly never reveal who I did or didn't vote for on this blog! Happily, balloting is still a private matter in the UK. If I sound Lib Dem, it's because they happen to be the Labour opposition, and I don't think Labour are being transparent. If the Lib Dems start being disingenuous, I'll criticise them too!
I'm happy to be known as a floating voter both locally and nationally. You'll see from my blogging history that I'm quite supportive of the feisty Kate Hoey when it comes to the national elections. I still haven't decided whether or not to vote for her yet though... :)
This year, so far locally, I'm tending towards voting for the Green Party. Goodness knows who the candidates are though... If they have some decent local policies, I'd be tempted, but I've not seen evidence of it yet.
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