I've just heard that despite the fact that the officers approved the application to extend the range of uses for the building underneath 216 Kennington Road, the council actually refused permission.
I made a post last week in which I mistakenly noted that permission had been granted, so I ought to state very clearly that 216 Kennington Road does not have planning permission for retail usage.
Watch this space. I wonder if the decision will be challenged.
Friday 14th June, 2024
Album of the Day: The Zutons – Who Killed the Zutons? This did my nut in,
tbh. The screeching guitars were matched by a bloody screeching voice. It
picks u...
8 months ago
What a shame - presumably we now have an(other) empty, boarded up shop for another 12 months....
Do you know why?
I wish I did. The council meeting minutes have not yet been published. I'm wondering if it relates to the flats, which were on the same application, but I'm certainly surprised that the councillors decided against the officers.
I understood that one of the issues was that according to the original S106 agreement, the basement was to be kept for community use. For whatever reasons, that hasn't happened and the developer has cheekily applied for change of use in breach of this agreement.
Here is documents from the planning meeting on August 11.
Personally I am not in favour of this becoming a "Tesco" type shop and would love to see it used for the community ahead of another place to buy cheap alcohol...
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