I am very loathe to publish overtly political material on this blog and I've refused a certain amount of material recently in accordance with the fact that it's too partisan, so it's with some trepidation that I publish the following (and would add that I will publish similar invitational offerings from other parties if necessary). As an aside, I've been impressed by Labour Cllr Mark Harrison's attendance at various SE11 social events and public participation in local meetings (he has even added some comments to this blog!).
The Lib Dems are planning a manifesto named Lambeth Liberal Democrat Manifesto for 2010 and want input and ideas. They have organised some working groups for the different topics the manifesto will cover. Details of the first session here:
A resident-led council - devolution, value for money, diversity
Led by Gavin Dosworth on Wed 12th August 7pm
Gavin wants to send out a couple of items for people to look through before the session to give a starting point, so people are asked to inform Rosie Loveland, if they are able to be present on rloveland@lambeth.gov.uk and the venue will be announced once numbers are known.
Future sessions will be on the topics:
Environmental sustainability – greening the council, leading by example, helping residents go green
Children in the borough – safe at all ages, active and healthy, effective education (led by Roger Giess)
Quality of life – improved local environment, leisure and culture, ‘no’ to overdevelopment, lower crime & fear of crime, better health especially for older people (led by Andrew Sawdon)
Housing – a tenant-led service (led by Jeremy Clyne)
It's an interesting opportunity for SE11 residents to contribute to potential future local policy.
Friday 14th June, 2024
Album of the Day: The Zutons – Who Killed the Zutons? This did my nut in,
tbh. The screeching guitars were matched by a bloody screeching voice. It
picks u...
8 months ago
How will the lib dems be using the email addresses and contact details of people who contact Rosie Loveland?
According to the email I received, Rosie is collecting details of people who are interested in order to arrange a room once numbers are known.
I've no idea what she would do with them after (I have no connection with her)! However, do contact me if you think they'd be used for nefarious purposes... I do like to root out scandal :)
Thanks for the compliment!
Unfortunately I can't promote the manifesto planning sessions Labour held last month for supporters as they've already happened, but the manifesto development process is still underway. Please get in touch with your Labour councillors to feed any ideas in: lcampbell@lambeth.gov.uk mharrison@lambeth.gov.uk srmorgan@lambeth.gov.uk
The Conservatives too are shaping their manifesto for the 2010 elections and actively seeking views from local residents. If anyone has ideas they would like to suggest for inclusion or be part of the process please do contact cwhelan@lambeth.gov.uk.
Thanks for your comment. If you'd like to publicise a meeting date/time for the Conservative planning session, please drop me a line.
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